Simbang Gabi is a Filipino devotional mass held during the Season of Advent. It consists of a series of 9-days of Mass celebrations leading up to Christmas Eve. With the support and approval of the Bishop, the various parish churches throughout the Arlington Diocese participate in these masses. We have done so here at Christ the Redeemer for the past 17 years!
In 2013, Christ the Redeemer had the honor and privilege of celebrating the Final Night of Simbang Gabi Mass with Bishop Loverde as celebrant. In 2014, Christ the Redeemer celebrated the First Night of Simbang Gabi Mass with Concelebrants Reverend Monsignor Prescilo P. Iral, DCS and Fr. Patrick Cogan, SA, JCD.
This year, Christ the Redeemer will celebrate the Simbang Gabi Mass on Thursday, December 20th @ 7:00 PM. As in previous years, the mass is followed by fellowship and celebration in Atonement Hall, which includes a sampling of Filipino Foods and Festivities. This event is FREE and OPEN TO THE PUBLIC.
This event is sponsored by the
Office of Multicultural Ministries in the Diocese of Arlington
and by the Filipino Ministry of Northern Virginia
For more information:
(703) 404-2654
[email protected]